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Having employee wellbeing as part

of your people strategy just makes sense






As part of SLAM, Status are experts in supporting mental health recovery through employment. We have partnered with the DWP for 5 years so are well placed to deliver Mental Health First Aid training to Jobcentre Plus staff – most especially to empower Disability Employment Advisors to become educators on mental health. Courses available are: Mental Health First Aid Course (2 Day) is:

  • a basic knowledge of what mental health is and some common mental health issues
  • an introduction to looking after your own mental health and maintaining wellbeing
  • recognising if someone may need support with their mental health

We value this course at £125pp

  • please see above. It also trains individuals to become MHFA champions who:
  • have the knowledge to advocate for mental health
  • can have difficult conversations honestly and comfortably; employees are supported earlier before sick leave is taken
  • can promote greater understanding of mental health and help build a mentally healthy workplace

We value this course at £200pp*


  • our most comprehensive training – details below
* discount depending on numbers
The What

The 2 Day Mental Health First Aid course:

  • is a comprehensive understanding of mental health; specific illnesses and signs to look for, up to date language and lots of resources to support them upon completion


  • creates and empowers mental health first aiders to deliver appropriate initial support before professional medical treatment is available


  • equips attendees with better coping tools for themselves and when supporting friends, family, colleagues and the public


  • helps people recognise poor mental health and have difficult conversations honestly and comfortably; employees are supported earlier before sick leave is taken
The Why

MHFA can greatly contribute to a healthy workplace which enables you to:

And most importantly:

It just makes sense and it's the right thing to do

The How

The 2 Day Mental Health First Aid course:

  • can be delivered over 2 full days or 4 days half days


  • can be delivered online or face to face (we can visit your workplace / you can come to our training centre)


  • we can provide training for up to groups of 12 online and 16 face to face


  • is relevant for all levels


  • we value this course at £280 inc. VAT pp*



*this can be discounted due a variety of factors


The What

The 2 Day Mental Health First Aid course gives attendees skills that save lives. It:

  • is a comprehensive understanding of mental health; specific illnesses and signs to look for, up to date language and lots of resources to support them upon completion
  • empowers people to deliver appropriate initial support before professional medical treatment is available
  • equips people with better coping tools for themselves and when supporting friends, family, colleagues and the public
  • helps people recognise poor mental health and have difficult conversations honestly and comfortably; employees are supported earlier before sick leave is taken
  • integrates wellbeing into the culture of teams and organisations
  • is relevant for all levels and is the only course that qualifies individuals as mental health first aiders, allowing a sustained organisational approach towards improving mental health
The Why

MHFA training enables you to:

And most importantly:

Having employee wellbeing as part of your people strategy just makes sense

The How

The 2 Day Mental Health First Aid course:

  • can be delivered over 2 full days or 4 days half days
  • requires 8 hours of additional online learning
  • is currently delivered online on zoom
  • can be provided face to face from September 2022, when we can visit your workplace/ you can come to our training centre
  • we can provide training for up to groups of 12 online and 16 face to face
  • embeds mental health first aiders into your organisation to give a sustainable and measurable commitment to improving employee wellbeing. We can support you to do this in the most effective way.
  • we value this course at £300pp*
Emily Crispin
We work with a wealth of instructors who deliver our training to industry best practice standards

Your facilitator – Emily Crispin, Head of Training and Consulting/Consultancy

Emily has 8 years professional experience in mental health and 20 years lived experience. Professionally she has supported mental health recovery in the workplace… Bring together

Status Employment has delivered support to employees to create healthier workplaces/approaches in the workplace to strengthen their wellbeing. Ie EA stuff… Status has 20 years of- ask Robert how long we’ve been doing EA stuff. –

CONSULTING/ ANCY: We are passionate about the long term impact this training can have on the culture of an organisation. We can support you to utilise the opportunity MHFA training gives you and offer follow up consultation to embed this in your people strategy.

MHFA training is one of several ways you can create a healthy workplace. Status Employment are well placed to identify how you can include these as part of a tailored wellbeing plan /approach.

All Courses

These courses are relevant for all levels

This half day course raises awareness of mental health. It covers: 

  • What mental health is and how to challenge stigma
  • A basic knowledge of some common mental health issues
  • An introduction to looking after your own mental health and maintaining wellbeing
  • Confidence to support someone in distress or who may be experiencing a mental health issue

We value this course at £125pp

This 1 Day MHFA course gives you:

  • CHANGE An understanding of common mental health issues  
  • Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
  • Ability to spot signs of mental ill health 
  • Skills to support positive wellbeing
  • Become a champion

We value this course at £200pp

This 2 Day MHFA course is:

  • Is a comprehensive understanding of mental health; specific illnesses and signs to look for, up to date language and lots of resources to support them upon completion
  • Empowers people to deliver appropriate initial support before professional medical treatment is available
  • equips people with better coping tools for themselves and when supporting friends, family, colleagues and the public
  • helps people recognise poor mental health and have difficult conversations honestly and comfortably; employees are supported earlier before sick leave is taken
  • integrates wellbeing into the culture of teams and organisations
  • qualifies individuals as mental health first aiders, allowing a sustained organisational approach towards improving mental health

We value this course at £300pp

News & Articles

Robert Interviews Martin Davies

Robert Elston the CEO of Status Employment interviews Martin Davies, who is currently Chair of the Supported Business Steering Group working alongside DWP in transforming the sector. As former CEO of Pluss…

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Robert interviews Elle

Robert Elston the CEO of Status Employment interviews Elle Lindsay Founder of Bubblegum Dance CIC, she graduated from our Self Employment Academy in August 2023. While managing anxiety, she challenged herself to step outside of her comfort and set up Bubblegum Dance CIC…

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There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

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There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

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There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

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