Status Employment is closed from 13:00 on the 22nd December to the 2nd January.
Here is a list of organisations that it might be help to contact over this period.
Mind helplines provide information and support by phone and email. Our Infoline is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm. It will be closed on the 25th and 26th of December 2023 and 1st January 2024.
Local Minds offer face-to-face services across England and Wales. These services including talking therapies, peer support and advocacy. you can check your local Mind’s website for Christmas opening times.
Side-by-Side is our supportive online community for anyone experiencing a mental health problem. You can access the community anytime, including on Christmas Day and other bank holidays.

Community warm spaces are open in Croydon
Libraries, leisure centres, community and faith organisations are offering warm spaces to support people in Croydon this Winter.
The venues are free to anyone who wants to sit, talk or socialise somewhere warm and welcoming during this time. This includes the majority of libraries in the borough, Ashburton Hall and Waddon Leisure Centre.
A number of the warm spaces offer hot drinks and food, activities and information signposting to local support services, such as help with engery and household costs.
If you need to talk right now
Whatever you are going through, there are people you can talk to anytime.
You can:
- call Samaritans on 116-123 (UK-wide)
- text SHOUT to 85258 (UK-wide)
- call C.A.L.L. on 0800 132 737 (Wales Only)
These services are for anyone who is struggling.
They won’t judge you.
They’re free, they’re anonymous, and they’re always open.